
2023Annual General Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, November 2 to 4, 2023

CTTIC’s successful 2023 Annual General Meeting took place in rainy (with occasional patches of sunshine) Vancouver this year. A total of 15 delegates met in person and two more joined us via Zoom, representing all seven member societies. All the photos below were taken at the STIBC office during our meetings, although we did enjoy a couple of delicious dinners outside.

On Thursday evening, we delighted in the cultural experience of the Afghan Horsemen Restaurant, while on Friday evening, extremely tasty Canadian turf and surf were on the menu at the Boathouse Restaurant on Kitsilano Beach.

Special thanks to STIBC for letting us use their meeting room, Executive Director, Jean-Philippe, for organizing the catering and more, and Angela L. for the additional office assistance! Kudos too to SIlvia and Trang for providing transportation to the restaurants.

Why not consider joining our board? Our next AGM is planned for November 2024 in Ontario, thanks to our hosts, ATIO!

Marie (ATIO), Roula (ATIA), Bassima (ATINS), Catharine (ATINS), Pency (ATIO), Claudine (ATINS), Marielle (ATIO), Silvia (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Monica (ATIS). (Photo: JP)

Claudine (ATINS), Marielle (ATIO), Trang (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Monica (ATIS), Laurence (CTINB), Hélène (ATIM), Marie (ATIO), Roula (ATIA), Bassima (ATINS), Catharine (ATINS). (Photo: Pency)

Marielle (ATIO), Silvia (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Monica (ATIS), Jean-Philippe (STIBC), Laurence (CTINB), Hélène (ATIM), Marie (ATIO), Bassima (ATINS), Catharine (ATINS). (Photo: Pency)

Pency (ATIO), Claudine (ATINS), Marielle (ATIO), Silvia (STIBC). (Photo: Angela)

Trang (STIBC), Laurence (CTINB), Monica (ATIS). (Photo: Angela)

Adam (ATIO), Marie (ATIO), Roula (ATIA). (Photo: Angela)

Roula (ATIA), Bassima (ATINS), Catharine (ATINS), Pency (ATIO). (Photo: Angela)

2023 – Free webinar held via Zoom on September 25, 2023 to celebrate International Translation Day

2022Annual General Meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, November 3 to 6, 2022

After two years of virtual AGMs due to Covid and travel restrictions, well … our photos say it all! Thank you to ATINS for hosting us on a perfect, sunny weekend, with unseasonal temperatures close to 20 degrees Celsius, while other places in Canada to the West of us were experiencing winter snow storms! And Nova Scotia, wow! What colour! Delicious meals! And chairs galore for us to enjoy, to network or even sunbathe!
(Photo contributions from Trang, Pency and Angela)

Thursday night dinner at The Bicycle Thief. Possibly the best meal we ever ate in our lives!
(Photo, Trang)
From left to right: Trang (STIBC), Bassima (President of ATINS), Silvia (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Pency (ATIO), Claudine (ATINS), Nat (CTINB), Marielle (ATIO), Monica (ATIS), Catharine (ATINS), Sergey (CTINB), Bo (ATIS).
Busy meetings in our Hotel.
(Photo, Angela, CTTIC VP, STIBC)
From left to right: Claudine (CTTIC President, ATINS), Catharine (CTTIC Secretary, ATINS), Monica (CTTIC Treasurer, President of ATIS), Silvia (CTTIC Member-at-Large, President of STIBC), Trang (CTTIC Member-at-Large, VP of STIBC), Marielle (VP of ATIO), Pency (CTTIC Member-at-Large, President of ATIO), Laurence (VP of CTINB), Sergey (President of CTINB), Jeff (President of ATIM), Nat (Registrar of CTINB), Bo (VP of ATIS), Regina (CTTIC Co-chair, Board of Examiners, ATIA).

Group selfie
(Photo, Pency)
Silvia (STIBC), Catharine (ATINS), Laurence (CTINB), Jeff (ATIM), Bo (ATIS), Sergey (CTINB),
Marielle (ATIO), Angela (STIBC), Regina (ATIA),
Trang (STIBC), Pency (ATIO), Monica (ATIS)
Claudine (ATINS)
Wine and Cheese Reception at the Alliance Française hosted by ATINS.
(Photo, Trang)
Trang (STIBC), Patrick (one of our ATINS hosts), Marielle (ATIO), Silvia (STIBC), Monica (ATIS)
Peggy’s Cove, chair and lighthouse.
(Photo, Angela)
Three Chairs for Peggy’s Cove!
(Photo, Angela)
Group at Peggy’s Cove.
(Photo, Trang)
Regina (ATIA), Catharine (ATINS), Angela (STIBC), Marielle (ATIO), Monica (ATIS), Silvia (STIBC), Trang (STIBC), Bo (ATIS)
Sitting at Peggy’s Cove.
(Photo, Trang)
Catharine (ATINS), Regina (ATIA), Silvia (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Trang (STIBC), Monica (ATIS), Marielle (ATIO)
Group at the lower part of Peggy’s Cove.
(Photo, Trang)
Regina (ATIA), Silvia (STIBC), Monica (ATIS), Trang (STIBC)
Four chairs at the Cove.
(Photo, Angela)
Fishing huts at Peggy’s Cove.
(Photo, Angela)
Peggy’s Cove and boats.
(Photo, Angela)
Five Chairs at Peggy’s Cove: Seats with a view.
(Photo, Angela)
Five empty chairs, Peggy’s Cove.
(Photo, Angela)
Lunenburg, restaurant interior.
(Photo, Angela)
Lunenburg, restaurant interior 2.
(Photo, Angela)
Detail of a colourful building in Lunenburg.
(Photo, Angela)
A view of three churches in Mahone Bay.
(Photo, Angela)
View of Mahone Bay opposite the churches.
(Photo, Angela)
Group selfie after Saturday Night’s Dinner at The Wooden Money in Halifax:
another delicious culinary experience.
(Photo, Pency)
Silvia (STIBC), Angela (STIBC), Catharine (ATINS), Claudine (ATINS), (our ATINS hostess), Pency (ATIO), Marielle (ATIO), Regina (ATIA) and Trang (STIBC) with Jeff (ATIM) in the middle.

Good-bye Halifax, Peggy’s Cove, Lunenburg and Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, and ATINS! We had a wonderful visit and experience and can’t wait to see everyone again at next year’s AGM in Vancouver, B.C.!